September 20, 2018

18Esplorazioni show in Palermo

From September 21st in the hearth of the historical center of Palermo, Sicily, Église will held its first egliselab exhibition.
Benedetta Donato, as Exhibition Curator, presents the first of the two #18Esplorazioni photography shows, with the works of 8 of the 17 photographers, including Simona Bonanno.

#18Esplorazioni #NuoveMappePerLaFotografia
curated by Benedetta Donato for Église
Simona Bonanno, Gianni Cipriano Francesco Faraci, Cristina Faramo, Alberto Gandolfo, Salvatore Di Gregorio, Roselena Ramistella, Dodo Veneziano.

via dei Credenzieri
Palermo, Italy
September 21 - October 21, 2018
Tuesday / Saturday 
4.30 pm - 7.30 pm