December 13, 2013

The Inner Invisible featured on Lens Culture

My work The Inner Invisible featured as spotlight on Lens Culture:
"These fields of color originate in sea and sky and horizon line, imbued with the emotion of raw beautiful nature, turned completely upside down to heighten the magical effect of rare light-soaked moments." 
_Jim Casper

The Inner Invisible © Simona Bonanno.

See more:

December 3, 2013

One day group Exhibition in New York city: FEMME

One day exhibition for The Collective & The Collection project, curated by Conrado Maleta' & Naama Sarid: 17 women artists from 11 different countries. 

My photograph "Ciudad Juàrez femminicide", part of the Chains of Silence series, will be part of the exhibit.

721 Franklin Ave. Brooklyn
New York city, USA
December 7th 2013 from 3 to 8pm

October 7, 2013

I'm one of 2013 Grand Prix de la Découverte winners!

The Inner Invisible © 2013 Simona Bonanno 

"Colors [are] like moods: The sea and the sky, vehicles of intimate feelings, become fields of color. The most intimate unknown finds it's voice in overturning what is real, deconstructing a known landscape across what seems our own interior necessity.” S. Bonanno

My image The Inner Invisible has won 1st place in the Abstract category of the 2013 Grand Prix de Découverte Award.

The International Fine Art Photography Program announced the 2013 Grand Prix de la Découverte winners. The seven top winners (one for each category) representing Russia, Peru, the UK, Poland, Germany, and Italy. 

The introduction of the award winners will take place on November 7 in Salle Europe of the Salon de la Photo, Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.

Exhibition from 7 to 11 November, Salon de la Photo, Halle 4 E 087

August 17, 2013

Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2013

My work The Inner Invisible will be presented in the Projection Program of the BIFB'2013 from August 17 to September 15, 2013 at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.

BIFB’13 presents an extensive program of audio visual presentations in the projections loop. The loop contains 62 shows by 52 photographers from 17 countries around the world. The show will loop continuously every day of the festival in the Selkirk Gallery at the Ballarat Art Gallery.

BIFB projection guide

August 5, 2013

Finalist at two prestigious contests!

On of my photo of The Inner Invisible series is finalist at Grand Prix de Découverte 2013, Abstract category.
The photo will be shown with the 2013 Grand Prix Exhibit IFAP at the Salon de la Photo in Paris, 7-11 November 2013.

My photo The Remains of Us is finalist at the 33rd Annual Spring Photography Contest, by Photographer's Forum Magazine and sponsored by Sigma.

July 9, 2013

new gallery on the website!

Nothing About Me gallery is now available on the website... enjoy the visit!

Nothing About Me
"I'm no one. You know nothing about me. I'm a passenger, a sailor, a valet, an officer, a cook, a technician. I'm european, american, asiatic, african. Tomorrow I won't be here, but I will seem like I'm here now and every time. My life crosses other people's lives, who are like me, everyone and anyone. I through the seas in a travel that becomes perpetual motion; that becomes human flow animating a floating city; I become sap that pulsates on the decks, in the corridors, in the sparkling halls, between the jets of water in the swimming pools. I'm a multitude with no history and no identity. Through my shadow projected on the bulkheads, through my profile drawn in the light, through my silhouette repeated in a endless mirror game, I tell you my story, which is the story of a thousand, an hundred thousand people. I become one body in the apparent chaos of a cruise ship, big beast to which, although for a short time, I belong. A maternal womb, a home in which every man is an island."

Like spying through a keyhole, I project myself into the lives of the passengers and crew of a big cruise ship. Through my camera I observe this multitude of people, always the same and always different, giving rise to a huge and cosmopolite isolated society on the seas. Every year in Europe, cruise ships carrying more than 100,000 passengers. This is fascinating: the cruise ship, a bright and sparkling city in the sea, is the smallest container with the largest concentration of people from all over the world. People always different, divided into "social" categories, following strict rules, living in a tiny space. So, whoever you are, whatever your life or your history is, here, on the sea, you lose your identity to become part of a huge mechanism that runs cyclically, which is renewed in a continuous motion. You become one body, everyone and anyone, deprived of any connection with reality and with your being.

June 18, 2013

Rosso Piccante 2013

Three of my The Inner Invisible selected at Rosso Piccante Contest 2013 (theme: water).
The exhibition of the selected work will be take place in Diamante (Italy) from 11 to 15 September 2013.

the complete series: The Inner Invisible

In the 2012 edition three of my photos have been shortlisted in the same contest, theme: fire.
see more: Rosso Piccante

June 3, 2013

Partecipation at Hisptagram FTW exhibition

People and shotguns 2012 © simona bonanno
Some of my photographs of the series One, No One, One Hundred Thousand have been selected for the Hisptagram FTW exhibition, that will be part of the Copenhagen Photo Festival Photo City at Carlsberg.

Photo City – Bryghuset Ny Carlsberg Vej 1799 København V - Denmark
June 6th – June 16th 2013

An exhibition of app photos curated by Kristine Kern - head of Fotografisk Center, Rasmus Ranum - founder of Copenhagen Photo Festival, photographer Per Folkver and fine-art photographer Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen. 
The exhibition is arranged in collaboration with Fotografisk Center, DJ: Fotograferne og Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen.

May 31, 2013

Camera con Vista: The Collective & The Collection a Roma

The Collective & The Collection
a cura di 
Conrado Rafael Maletà, Naama Sarid, Stefano Frasca-Vergerio
Venerdì 7 giugno 2013, h 19.00
Piazza Santa cecilia 16, Roma dal 07.06 al 21.06.2013
Venerdì 7 giugno alle h 19.00 si inaugura presso lo spazio espositivo del "b>GalleryCafè" la mostra fotografica "CAMERA con VISTA" un'iniziativa di "The Collective & The Collection", gruppo artistico internazionale nato a Madrid nel 2006 da un'idea di Conrado Rafael Maleta e Naama Sarid. Art Direction: Stefano Frasca-Vergerio
L'uomo come fine o il potenziale eversivo dello sguardo
"Le hasard crée l’original, l’original crée la copie, la copie crée l’original" A. Fromont
Camera con Vista è la declinazione artistica di un glocal-event, una mostra che iscrive nella sua stessa genesi contraddizioni e fermenti delle arti visive nell'era della globalizzazione. La “glocalizzazione” - accezione positiva del globalismo - è una mutazione epocale determinata dall'evoluzione dei paradigmi organizzativi del mondo e della società: sono i cambiamenti determinati dalla diffusione dell’innovazione tecnologica, una rivoluzione che ha profondamente cambiato il modo di rapportarci ai concetti di tempo e di luogo. Oggi anche l'arte, come l’uomo, sta sperimentando questa nuova scoperta: l’opportunità di vivere in un contesto dominato dalla mobilità delle persone, delle cose e dei segni.
Molti degli artisti del "Collettivo" sono soggetti in movimento: nomadi culturali, apolidi, poliglotti, persone in transito da un paese all'altro, individui in cerca di libertà, espressione e cittadinanza. Ciascuno di essi conosce gli entusiasmi del vivere una dimensione virtuale senza barriere – come la rete - e le difficoltà di un mondo reale limitato da passaporti e visti d'ingresso. Camera con Vista è il lasciapassare per approdare a nuove prospettive sulla realtà: è l'unica prassi in grado di arginare gli effetti collaterali di un mondo globalizzato che senza le soluzioni patafisiche del pensiero creativo rischia di annientarci.
The Collective Group
Il TC Group nasce per volontà di una coppia di architetti: il cubano Conrado Rafael Maleta e l'israeliana Naama Sarid. Gli elementi che hanno reso possibile questa operazione, sono stati gli artisti, le loro opere e le piattaforme di Flickr, Tumblr e Facebook: i social-network più diffusi tra i creativi del web.
Liora Naiman [Israel] - Olivier Gilet [Belgium] - Manuel Javier Richy [France] - J. Swofford [Usa] - Chiara Fersini [Italy] - Angelo Nairod [Italy] - Malemodulation [Norway] - Andre Fromont [Belgium] - Yi Hao Kan [Taiwan] - Tobias Feltus [Italy] - Nina Moilanen [Finland] - Karolina Wakulinska [Poland] - Manuel De Teresa [Spain] - Danielle Malka [Israel] - Dario Cogliatti [Italy] - Juan Jumenez Estepa [Spain] - Josu Sein [Spain] - Paula Gomez Furio [Spain] - Farbud Akhatarry [Iran] - Salvador Marquez [Argentina] - Leandro Cerno [Argentina] - David Ruiz Ruiz [Spain] - David Lewis Baker [Uk] - Ingi Orn Hafsteinsson [Iceland] - Peter Kruse [germany] - Brian Henry [Usa] - Stefanos Papachristou [Greece] - Javier de Juan-Creix [Spain] - Brakis Altwan [Italy] - Rinat Schnadower [Mexico] - Rona Glatz [Venezuela] - Milan Rubio [Spain] - JTrobo [Spain] - Moria Lahis [Israel] - Bruno Roy [France] - Simona Bonanno [Italy] - Viki Olner [Brasil] - Sandro Cipolletti [Italy] - Max Wayne [Portugal] - Patrizia Pieri [Italy] - Vittorio Pavoncello [Italy] - Sandrine Zondervan [Spain] - Bernard Gillet [Belgium] - Piet Biniek [Germany] - Monica Marcella [Norway] - Guillermo Riveros [Colombia] - Jorge Gutierrez [Colombia] - Hadas Tapouchi [Israel] - SraMuerte [Argentina].

Per informazioni: Stefano Frasca | 347-74.18.553 -

May 18, 2013

The Collective & The Collection in Rome

Camera con visa The Collective and The Collection

Exhibition in Rome will take place in b>gallery, spazio espositivo
Opening 7th of June, Friday, at 7pm
Curators: Conrado Maleta' and Naama Sarid-Maleta'
Manager: Stefano Frasca

piazza Santa Cecilia 16, Rome
7-21 June 2013

The Collective & The Collection is a multi-national curatorial project that has a long and complex history and development. The first steps were done in Madrid, Spain, in the year 2006. The main idea of this adventure is the creation of a world collection of photography and drawings through exchanges.  

TC&TC was created by the Cuban artist Conrado Maleta' and the Israeli artist Naama Sarid. The process is based on the old fashionable concept for trade that is the exchange. Using the powerful source that is internet blogosphere [Flickr, Tumblr, Facebook] they select works with a very specific aesthetic personality, usually close to the idea of "construction of scenery" or "theatricality of neo-conceptual" art of today. There are clear motivations and a complete supportive background for all actions inside and outside the project. The creators usually travel and organize noncommercial expos in different places of the world in a way of showing, supporting and increasing TC&TC. Today the quantity of works is more than 400 from 34 countries and this make possible to organize exhibitions through the idea of "chapter". The stock of works and artist are far away enough for preparing expos with fresh material. Part of the idea is to do no more than one expo per year and as many publications about the project as possible. 

Why to doing this project? Because it's a very strong and exceptional postmodern curatorial project and because it is in fact not only a collection but also special atypical Collective of artists. After the first exchange it's frequent that artists start to notice, connect and also exchange between them by separate, following the stream idea of Conrado & Naama. This works like a bomb of creative waves all over the world. 

The selection of artists had interesting points, not only talking about their personal ideas of what arts most look like or even if they are neo-conceptualist in their artistic actions, but As well as in politic and anthropological ways. 

We wish to show in New York a selection of 30 artists from diverse countries like Japan, China or Iceland, United by their particular ways of produce neo-conceptual arts, photograph or drawings. We think it will be a strong and useful opportunity for all of them, to be showed, to be promoted and for the curators it is a wonderful chance for to call attention about the TC&TC and to open the wings to future collaborations of artists and institution on New York. 
Conrado Maleta' and Naama Sarid-Maleta' 
Brooklyn, 2013

Leandro Cerno [Argentina] Salvador Marquez [Argentina] Andre Fromont [Belgium] Jorge Gutierrez [Colombia] Guillermo Riveros [Colombia] Nina Moilanen [Finland] Manuel Javier Richy [France] Bruno Roy [France] Piet Biniek [Germany] Peter Kruse [Germany] Stefanos Papachristou [Greece] Ingi Orn Hafsteinsson [Iceland] Chiara Fersini [Italy] Angelo Nairod [Italy] Tobias Feltus [Italy] Dario Cogliatti [Italy] Stefano Frasca [Italy] Simona Bonanno [Italy] Liora Naiman [Israel] Danielle Malka [Israel] Moria Lahis [Israel] Hadas Tapouchi [Israel] Farbud Akhatarry [Iran] Rinat Schnadower [Mexico] Sandrine Zondervan [Mexico] Malemodulation [Norway] Monica Marcella [Norway] Karolina Wakulinska [Poland] Manuel de Teresa [Spain] Juan Jumenez Estepa [Spain] Josu Sein [Spain] Paula G. Furio [Spain] David Ruiz Ruiz [Spain] Javier de Juan-Creix [Spain] J. Trobo [Spain] Milan Rubio [Spain] Yi Hao Kan [Taiwan] David Lewis Baker [UK] J. Swofford [USA] Brian Henry [USA] Rona Glatz [Venezuela]

Two of my Chains of Silence will be exhibited at Camera con Visa exhibition.
Chains of Silence ©Simona Bonanno | right Ciudad Juarez | left Emanuela O.

May 5, 2013

new work: Nothing About Me

"Using my lenses, I have the opportunity to observe many people, the same and different, giving life an enormous cosmopolitan society amongst the seas."

Please keep checking the website for updates about this project.

May 4, 2013

participation at The Ballarat International Foto Biennale (BIFB)

My work The Inner Invisible will be part of the program of projections presentations daily throughout the festival at the Art Gallery of Ballarat, from 17 August to 15 September 2013.

The Ballarat International Foto Biennale (BIFB) presents a monthlong biennial festival of photography comprising of multiple events held in over 70 venues in and around Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.

more about BIFB:

April 26, 2013

buying an artistic print!

Do you love photography? do you need art?
My Another Rainy Day matted and framed print is now available!

Another Rainy Day, 2009
p.a., carbon fine art print on cotton paper
40x40cm (framed 50x50cm)
edition on 50.
Recently acquired by the collection of the Bibliothèque National de France, it has been exhibited in Paris during the NoFound Photo Fair (2012). Another Rainy Day has won several international awards and it has been published on photography magazines and catalogues all over the world. 

For information about selling and final price please contact me

March 19, 2013

the Inner Invisible

my new work The Inner Invisible is now presented on my website

"... A feeling that can not be seen, that does not appear in our "visual horizon of the world" but is felt and experienced from the inside (M. Henry)." This feeling finds its expressive and symbolic function in colour, placing emphasis on emotion. Colour becomes a communicative bridge between human beings and the outside world, a reflection of spiritual balance that allows one to "feel" the invisible. Where light meets colour in a reversed horizon, where perception of the "known" is lost, it is there that human beings find their innermost need, combining intimate harmony and spirituality in the abstract song of colour and lines. Colours are like moods, the sea and the sky, vehicles of intimate feelings, here they become fields of colour. The most intimate unknown finds it's voice in overturning what is real, deconstructing a known landscape across what seems our own interior necessity.
Simona Bonanno

March 5, 2013

Chains of silence on RTS UN

French writer Philippe Besson visiting my exhibition in Nyon, at Galerie Focale. 
La puce à l'oreille, RTS UN, 22 february 2013 at 22h50 
- french only -

> go to the page

February 16, 2013

on the Swiss press

Françoise Gentinetta - La Côte

Sortir - Le Temps
semaine 26.01-08.02.2013

Le Courier - Regards

Laurent Delaloye - Dans les galeries - 24Heures

on the web:

February 1, 2013

The Inner Invisible has an honorable mention

I'm delighted to announce that one of my The Inner Invisible photograph received the Honorable Mentions at IPA's One Shot: Spaces, Outside category!

January 11, 2013

Chains of Silence | Solo exhibition

Chains of Silence | Simona BONANNO
Opening reception: January 26th from 5.30 pm

Exhibition: January 27 | March 10, 2013

Galerie FOCALE
4, place du Château
Nyon, 1260

more info
press release